Monday, December 24, 2007
Some new stuff:

I want to tell you a secret
You live in my brick house
and I in your sugar cup
We both throw airy parties
in the snow and purr
like cats at the smell of fear
That, my friend, is love.
I am an only-writer
who doesn't like to share.
I am an angry poet
who doesn't like to rhyme.
I am a runaway academic
that doesn't fit anywhere.
Do I have to choose?
I like thoughts better.
My love, let's play some hopscotch
Let's get tangled-up
We can be subversive
like purple cats in broad daylight
We can smile coyly as they look.
You will stumble on a pebble
(I like to call it a charm)
It will forever bring you luck.
posted by Andie at 11:55 AM |

0Heart-felt Love