Saturday, April 26, 2008
There once was a man named Ray
Who was irrevocably gay
He could unhook your bra
With a stare and a draw
But alas! He was Vajayjay
posted by Andie at 9:39 PM | 0 Heart-felt Love
Friday, April 25, 2008
My dear friend Lola asked me to post my very own bucket list. Here goes (reminding her that I am not as selfless and temptation/capitalism free as she is)...

1. Make peace with the idea of death (perhaps why my latest story has been so slow to progress).
2. Go to England, Italy, France, China, Australia, Russia, and maybe Germany. In any case, travel A LOT.
3. Publish at least one book, but hopefully a lot of them.
4. Move to NYC and become something of a glamorous bohemian.
5. Have kids, be a great parent, grandparent and so on.
6. Have an apartment-sized library with all the books I HAVE read.
7. Go back to acting.
8. Join the big brothers/big sisters program.

Maybe I'm still to young to have life-long dreams. I'd say most of these are more aptly a list of things I want to do by the time I'm 30/35. But it'll have to do!


1. Aceitar a idea de que a morte eh inevitavel (e terminar a minha historia sobre isso).
2. Ir a Inglaterra, a Italia, a China, a Australia, a Russia, e talvez a Alemanha. Em todo caso, viajar MUITO.
3. Publicar ao menos um livro mas, se Deus quiser, varios livros.
4. Mudar pra Nova York e viver uma vida boemia, porem glamurosa.
5. Ter filhos e ser uma otima mae, avo, etc.
6. Ter uma biblioteca do tamanho de um apartmento, com todos os livros que eu JA LI.
7. Voltar ao teatro.
8. Participar do programa "big brothers/big sisters", que oferece mentores a jovens que nao tem ninguem com quem dividir experiencias.

Como eu disse acima, essa eh mais uma lista de coisas que eu pretendo fazer antes dos 30/35... nao sei se tenho planos fantasticos ou coisas quase impossiveis pra adicionar. Hope this is good enough! :)
posted by Andie at 7:49 AM | 3 Heart-felt Love