I am currently finding myself irresistibly, ridiculously, impossibly crushing on Zac Efron. The worst part is, I feel so dirty for it!
It doesn't matter much that I officially confirmed on IMDB that he is NOT a minor (in fact, he is a mere 3 years younger than me and even of drinking age). It's dirty. And hot.
But wait, it gets worse: last night I had what threatened to be a sex dream, but my brain obviously feels so guilty about the whole thing that my dream-Zac actually refused to do anything but make out! It was very frustrating.
And, of course, I have to be stuck in Brazil, with no chance of having sex for another month.
But if you find yourself in a similar and shameful situation, here's an awesome piece of information: it seems to have been confirmed that Zac (as I call him, being that we're now pretty intimate) is set to play Johnny Quest in theaters. Let's hope they don't make him die his hair for the part.
Please join me in solidarity and admit to your forbidden crushes. I beg you.