There's a new story, will post it if I feel like it, peeps. Truth is, I'm kinda scared of posting my stuff online and then getting it stolen. Have to look further into it.
In the mean time, I suppose this will once again become a regular blog, yeah?
I am currently avoiding work on both camps: the one I get paid for, and the one that lets me call myself a scholar. I'll get back to the former as soon as I figure out how to properly log my hours. In two days, I get paid for the job I've completed nearly a month ago. How fucked up is that?
Also, just read a stupid homophobic letter written by a person who clearly does not earn her basic human rights. Forty years since Stonewall, but people are still ignorant and blind. Have you seen the
prop 8 musical? Well, you should. It's funny, but also kinda sad because we are still such a long way from getting equal rights for every human being. We women are still getting short changed, let alone homosexuals.
Gay Pride Parade in Belo is July 19. You can find me there if you're around.
Am off to research writers' rights on the internet. If you know anything about that, let me know!
Oh, and you can follow me on Twitter @andiesilva